to become a successful Cross-Examiner
a. Must become a voracious reader;
b. Master the general principle of every branch
of law.
c. Must grasp of the leading principles of the
law on particular point.
d. Must have deep knowledge of human nature and
the acts of men.
e. Common sense is another virtue which is a
passport to success in every profession.
f. Element of chance or what is commonly known
as luck and opportunities.
2 Preparation
a. Must know the answers to all
the questions before he rises to his feet.
Examination in Chief is absorbing the evidence and gauging the witness.
c. Mastered the frame work of the
d. Know the first question that he
intends to put.
3, How and where to begin X Examination.
x-examination-goes into all the facts with determination and energy, is
persistent and minute;
x-examination is one that avoids the material points of the testimony.
of questioning- separate appearance from reality;
-reduce exaggerations to theirproper
-look for contradictions statements.
4. The rule of X-examination
a. Never x-examination without the best
b. Always attack witness where he is least
c. Do not begin with your bad witness;
d. Never attack a man’s character unless you
have a record of it;
e. Do not make too much of immaterial
f. Do not examine witness in
a language which is much above the level of witness.
g. When the offence is only technical do not
x-examine much.
h. Try to reduce the gravity of the
offence,when it is proved to the hilt.
i. Allow the witness to exaggerate the matter
until the exaggeration becomes apparently absurd.
j. Do not x-examine a moderate witness
k. Do not press an unwilling or reluctant
witness too much.
l. Do not fish out unnecessary information.
m Never begin
x-examination without a purpose;
n No question should be asked
without an object.
o. Stop x-examination when you have got your
p. Never put unnecessarily various questions in
order to please your client.
q. Do not x-examination in such a manner as to
give room to an effective and damaging re-examination.
r. Do not expect too much from your
adversary’s witness.
s. Bring out past history in a pleasant manner.
t. Do not rush through your x-examination.
w. If you get a favourable answer, do not get
the answer to be repeated over again.
y. Never x-examine your own witness.
x. Do not ask a question too broadly.
z. When a witness has given some evidence in
your favour you should not discredit him by showing him unworthy of belief.
Aa Do not ask question in x-examination at
random without an objective point.
Bb Do not press witness who refuse to answer
material question.
Cc Do not put material question straightway.
Dd When you secure some points in x-examination,
leave it and divert the mind of the witness by some other questions of no
relevancy at all.
Ee Do not argue with a witness.
FfDo not go over in
x-examination the same ground as that covered in examination-in-chief.
Gg Do not x-examine unnecessarily to obtain an
Hh Do not tell a witness again that he is on
Ii Do not repeat questions in x-examine.
Jj If you can safely admit a fact, do not put
other party to proof which the other party can easily proof.
Kk Do not lose your temper.
Mm Never bluff the court.
Nn Never abuse your privilege as a counsel.
Oo Do not appeal to the sympathy of the judge.
Pp Be
always ready with law an evidence.
Qq Never interfere with the judge if he begin
to x-examine.
Rr Do not attempt to effect the impossible in
Ss Lead the witness to absurd results
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this is good blog